Jul 11th, 2024 / الخميس 04 مُحَرَّم 1446 Posted by from Article Source

This morning was one of those unexpected starts—you know, the kind where you find yourself at the hospital before the sun even rises. It's still Thursday morning, not quite 8 AM, and we're already back from our unplanned visit to the emergency room.

At around 6:45 AM, my little one woke up with what I can only describe as a seal-like cough, and he was clutching his ear. My heart sank. Instinctively, I knew it was an ear infection. Without a second thought, we prepared to head to the hospital. Luckily, we live right across the street from the hospital. It's so close that under normal circumstances, we could just walk there. But it was dark and early, so we opted for a Grab ride—our local version of Uber.

The hospital staff were quick and efficient. By the time most people were just starting their day, we had already been seen, diagnosed with an ear infection, and discharged. We didn't even need to see a doctor; the nurse handled everything. We were at the pharmacy, waiting for the medication, before most patients had even finished their registration.

The process was so quick that waiting for the Grab ride home would have taken longer than the walk itself. So, we decided to walk back home. It was quite surreal to leave the hospital and see our building just a stone's throw away. We literally just crossed the parking lot, and we were back in the comfort of our home.

The whole experience was incredibly swift, thanks to our proximity to the hospital and the efficiency of the healthcare staff here in Malaysia. And while no parent wants to start their day with a medical emergency, I'm grateful for the quick access and care we received. As we walked home, we even caught the morning call to prayer, a serene reminder that, despite the chaos, life's routine continues.

As I write this, I'm reminded of the little things we often take for granted—like living near a hospital or the sound of the morning prayer. Today started with a scare, but it's also filled with gratitude for the healthcare so readily available to us and the community we're part of here in Malaysia. Here’s to health and quick recoveries, and the unexpected moments that remind us of our blessings.