Saudi Arabia
Jul 15th, 2024 / الاثنين 08 مُحَرَّم 1446 Posted by

Moving to a new country involves adjusting to different regulations and systems, especially when it involves education and healthcare for children. Saudi Arabia, with its unique set of rules, can be particularly challenging for muhajireen trying to navigate the system without the proper residency documentation. Here's what you need to know if you're considering enrolling your child in school or accessing healthcare services in cities like Madina and Jeddah.

Educational Enrollment without Residency Papers

While some schools in Madina may accept children without residency papers, this is not a standard practice and can lead to complications. Documents issued by these schools, such as report cards or certificates, may not be recognized internationally or even in other parts of Saudi Arabia because they lack a government stamp. This lack of official recognition can hinder your child’s educational progress and record transferability in the future.

Key Points:

  • School Acceptance Is Not Uniform: Not all schools accept children lacking residency papers.
  • Document Limitations: Paperwork from these schools will not hold any official status outside the local context, which can be problematic if you need to transfer your child to another school or country.

Vaccination Compliance

Similarly, some schools might overlook the lack of vaccination records, but again, this is an exception rather than the rule. Saudi Arabia generally requires up-to-date vaccinations for all students attending school. Relying on anecdotal experiences where requirements were overlooked can lead to serious health and legal consequences.

Key Points:

  • Health Regulations: Compliance with vaccination schedules is typically mandatory.
  • Risks of Non-Compliance: Ignoring these requirements can not only put your child’s health at risk but also lead to fines or deportation.

Consequences of Taking Unofficial Advice

It’s important to approach advice with caution. Several expatriates have faced fines and deportation after following unofficial advice regarding education and healthcare for their children without residency papers or proper vaccinations. These penalties underline the importance of adhering to official regulations and verifying information before taking action.


  • Verify Information: Always check with official sources or consult with legal or educational professionals before making decisions based on informal advice.
  • Understand the Risks: Be aware of the legal and practical risks associated with non-compliance with local laws and regulations.


Living in Saudi Arabia as a muhajir requires a thorough understanding of local laws and regulations, especially concerning your children’s education and health. While flexibility in some schools or medical facilities might seem like a convenient option, the long-term consequences can outweigh the temporary benefits. Ensuring that all paperwork and health records are in accordance with Saudi regulations is crucial to avoiding legal issues and ensuring that your child’s academic and health records are valid and recognized wherever you might go next.