Jul 21st, 2024 / الاحد 14 مُحَرَّم 1446 Posted by from Article Source

Morocco offers an attractive option for long-term residency through its residency card system, providing a pathway for various individuals, from family members of Moroccan nationals to recognized refugees, to settle in the country. This article delves into the specifics of obtaining a residency card in Morocco, detailing eligibility, requirements, and the application process.

Eligibility for the Moroccan Residency Card

To apply for a Moroccan residency card, which is valid for ten years, applicants must meet several criteria. First and foremost, individuals must enter Morocco with a valid passport and the appropriate visa and apply for the residency card before their visa expires. The primary candidates for this residency card include:

  • Family Ties: Spouses of Moroccan nationals, parents of Moroccans, and in some cases, children of foreigners who are Moroccans.
  • Long-term Residents: Individuals who have lived in Morocco for more than 15 years.
  • Dependents: Spouses and children of current residency cardholders.
  • Legal Refugees: Refugees recognized by Morocco's Office of Refugees and Stateless Persons are eligible but are typically issued a registration card instead.

Application Process

The process to secure a residency card involves proving one's eligibility and legal status in Morocco. For those who have legally resided in Morocco for over four years, the opportunity to apply for a residency card becomes available. However, it's crucial to note that possessing all the required documents does not guarantee the issuance of a residency card, as Moroccan authorities retain the discretion to approve or deny the application.

Documentation and Support

Applicants must provide comprehensive documentation to support their residency card application. This typically includes proof of identity, legal status in Morocco, evidence of marital or familial ties to Moroccans if applicable, and any other documents that substantiate the applicant’s continuous and legal residence in the country.

Challenges and Considerations

While the Moroccan residency card offers a stable path to long-term settlement in Morocco, applicants may face challenges due to the discretionary power of the immigration authorities. The process can be complex, requiring thorough preparation and understanding of the legal framework governing residency in Morocco.


Morocco’s residency card system represents a significant opportunity for individuals seeking to make hijrah. Whether through family connections, long-term residence, or refugee status, the path to residency is well-defined, albeit stringent. Applicants are encouraged to meticulously prepare their applications and remain informed about the latest immigration policies to increase their chances of approval.

For those considering applying or seeking more information about the Moroccan residency card, staying updated through official channels and reliable sources is advisable. As always, prospective applicants should consider consulting with legal experts specializing in Moroccan immigration law to navigate the process effectively.