Jul 24th, 2024 / الاربعاء 17 مُحَرَّم 1446 Posted by MakeHijrah.com from Article Source

Kazakhstan's Mazhilis has adopted a new law enhancing national migration and penitentiary legislation. This law restricts entry and citizenship for individuals with convictions related to sex crimes against children, and extends similar prohibitions to those involved in extremism and terrorism. Additionally, the law allows expired documents of Kazakhstani citizens to be considered valid during emergencies. Initiated in November 2021, the law reflects ongoing efforts to toughen responses to crimes against children, with potential penalties including life imprisonment for severe offenses. On September 1, 2023, calls were made to further strengthen the legal framework against child sexual assaults, proposing a new Criminal Code article to address all forms of violence and abuses against minors with more severe penalties.