Posted Oct 25th, 2022 / الثلاثاء 29 رَبيع الأوّل 1444by Make Hijrah Podcast
Welcome to the new Make Hijrah Podcast. In episode one we discuss a comment on our interview with Br. Faruq Hunter - Kazakhstan: Cost of Living, Islamic Environment, and Language Barrier

Abu Abdir Rahmaan wrote:

Assalyamu alaikum brothers, جزاك الله خيرا for your work and informative videos about Sudan, Malaysia and other countries. But about Kazakhstan is not really like that, maybe for brothers from US or UK (politically strong contries) would be okay and safe to live there. But im sure not for others. Im saying that as Kazakhstan citizen, who is on path of Assalaf Assalih. Almost every salafi brother I know had problems with NSC (in US is FBI) or police. And we have a lot much more problems with religion there, better and safer to stay in US or UK for real. That is why i made hijrah from Kazakhstan to Kyrgyzstan, and now looking for other country to make hijrah to, where I can study deen inshaa Allah, and that how I found your channel AlhamduliLlah. In Kazakhstan you cant even study or it will be hard to find where to study tajweed from salyafi, im not talking about aqyda or fiqh or other. In Kazakhstan all of the shaikhs books are prohibited. And I know a lot of stories how and why brothers and sisters made hijrah from Kazakhstan. I tried to explain and just warn you brothers and sisters as I could. Its difficult for me to type in english. Im not suggesting to anyone to live or even visit Kazakhstan for now. Maybe one day in shaa Allah, we have to make dua so Allah spread Islam upon understanding of assalaf assalih in my country and everywhere, after all its easy for Allah. You can contact me if you want for detail information abut Islamic Environment in Kazakhstan and even Kyrgyzstan. Kyrgyzstan is really good solution for now AlhamduliLlah. I speak better than type btw. بارك الله فيك